Collaborating with a traditional healer


Mrs. Zhang’s follow-up appointment

Three weeks later, Mrs. Zhang and her daughter come back for a follow-up appointment.

Mrs. Zhang reports that she and Meiling met with an oncologist who explained conventional treatment options and expected survival (two to three months without treatment, four to six months with treatment).

Mrs. Zhang confirms her decision to forgo conventional treatment.

Her nausea has worsened, and acupuncture is not controlling it. She asks Dr. Miller to call the Chinese doctor to discuss adding an anti-nausea medicine. Dr. Miller recommends Compazine, the Chinese doctor agrees, and she writes the prescription. Mrs. Zhang is reassured by their cooperation.

Mrs. Zhang is concerned about her pain increasing, which the oncologist told her to expect. She wants to know what can be done for this. Dr. Miller describes the options for pain medication, and Mrs. Zhang agrees to be in contact as her condition progresses.